Sixers from 2nd Daventry, Long Buckby, Crick and West Haddon, Weedon, Heyford, Spratton, Brixworth and Braunston plus 15 Leaders met at the Sir John Lowther Centre for a fun-filled weekend.
This is the first Sixer Camp for a few years and was another huge success.
The Sixers took part in numerous activities including soft archery, pumpkin carving, chocolate apple dipping, bead pin motifs, various craft bases, and campfire stunts and songs. There was also a game of Hunt the Emerald in the woods at night.
All the Cub Scouts who attended were a credit to the Cub Packs they represented and were awarded the coveted Green Sixer Woggle.
Apart from gaining the woggle, the Sixers covered 2 nights away and many parts of the badge essentials were covered.
My sincere thanks to all of the Leaders who gave up their time to help at this camp.
Well done all of you.
Camp Leader.